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The Healing Yemen Project is an independent research initiative by the creator and does endorse nor monetize any of data used in the creation of its products. Data used in the creation of the project belong to a variety of scientific literature, reports, and non-profit agencies. It is encouraged for individuals to explore the works cited below for more information.


If any media or products are shared that were produced by the Healing Yemen Project, we ask that you use the following citation in re-sharing:

Martin, Y. (Cartographer). (2020). Healing Yemen Project. [Media Title]. Retrieved from


Encyclopedia Britannica (Cartographer). (2012) Encyclopedia Britannica. "Yemen Geography." Retrieved from 

International Crisis Group (Cartographer). (2020). International Crisis Group. "Yemen Political and Territorial Divisions as of June 2020." Retrieved from

Ionita, C. (Cartographer). (2016) Edmaps. "Yemen Crisis in Five Maps." Retrieved from

Martin, Y. (Cartographer). (2020). Healing Yemen Project. 


ACAPS (2020). ACAPS Briefing Note: Floods in Yemen. Assessment Capacities Project - Relief Web. 23 April 2020. Retrieved from

Floodlist (2020). Yemen – More Floods Leave at Least 20 Dead. Floodlist News Asia. 4 August 2020. Retrieved from

World Weather Online (2020). 10 August 2020. Retrieved from


Alley, A. L. (2010). Yemen’s Multiple Crises. Journal of Democracy, 21(4), 72–86.


Aljazeera (2020). Yemen's Riyadh Agreement: An overview. Aljazeera.


Burrowes, R. and Wenner, M. (2020). Yemen. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from


Jamieson, A. (2016). Who are Yemen's Houthis and What do they Want?. NBC News

Rawea, A. S., & Urooj, S. (2018). Strategies, current status, problems of energy and perspectives of Yemen’s renewable energy solutions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82, 1655–1663. Retrieved from


Yemen (2020). CIA World Factbook. Retrieved from

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